I wanted to explain the key words of Internet through a simple analogy :
Let's consider
1.Class (World Wide Web)
2.Student(Web Server)
3.Student's things like books ..etc (Web Pages)
4.Student's Roll Number (IP Address)
5.Teacher (Web Browser)
6.Student's Name ( DNS)
7.Parent (Client)
8.Two students communicating rules (Protocols i.e HTTP,HTTPS)
9.Different Students knowing a common language for communication (Network)
10.Students actuals marks into Grades(Encryption)
- Student Roll Number --> Progress report --> Mathematics Grades (URL)
In the above analogy, Class Room(World Wide Web) can have different Students (Web servers). Each Students bag may contain books (Web Pages). If all the students wanted to communicate with each other they need to know a common language (Network) , and should follow certain Rules while speaking in class (Protocols).Student's Roll Number can be considered as IP Address of Web Server, which can be used to know details of the Web Server**.** Let's suppose one student's parent came and he wanted to know about the grade of a particular student in a particular student . So he contacted the class Teacher (Web Browser) to know the marks of the student, parent may not know the roll number of the student ,but he knows the student's name (DNS ) . The students marks are converted into grades(Encryption) while entering into the progress report . When the teacher conveys the marks of student in a particular student he delivers them in marks (Decryption). This over all process is Client-server Architecture (Parent-Student).
In the above example if parent points out students roll number --> Progress report --> Wanted to know the grades in Mathematics Subject (URL)